Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Lowesoft 2014

So, It's been a while since my last blog post and that's because I'v been in Lowesoft for a week. For those who doesn't know were Lowesoft is, It's a small sea side town on the East Cost of England. The reason why I was there for is because my lovely nan's sister lives there and I stayed there with her along with my nan, auntie and my cousin Ashleigh. It was such a lovely the week, the weather was so nice that I burnt and I never burn that's how hot it was. I didn't take that many photo's but here are a few to show you.

First of all here is my favourite picture of me and Ashleigh in my nan's sister's garden on a gorgeous sunny day.

Along with going to the beach, there were tones of more stuff we did during this week but  I didn't want to be unsociable and start taking pictures everywhere. On the Saturday we went to a theme park called Pleasure Wood Hills. This is my favourite theme park of all time and that's because I'm not a lover of roller coasters as I hate being up side down and swung everywhere. But this theme park has rides that are not massive and big but there enough that you can enjoy the ride without feeling life someone has just chucked you in the air at 100ft.

We also went to an amazing tea shop in Great Yarmouth which was decorated in a Victorian theme. They had all Victorian household objects on the walls and the staff were even dressed as Victorians. I wish I had took pictures but I was too busy eating cake and drinking tea haha.

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