Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

H&M wish list!!

So recently I've been very nosey and excited for the A/W14 collection to come out in the High Street even though were still in August, I just love knowing what's going to be out there in a months time. The thought of putting on my huge woolly jumper and snuggling up on the sofa with a hot cup of tea just fills me with joy. Don't get me wrong I love the warm summer time but there's something about the winter season that I just love and I can't wait to see what clothing items  will be out there.  

The shop that I'm most excited about is H&M. This is because H&M has been a favourite of mine for ages!! They have everything you need from basic t-shirts to a going out frock in the evening and their prices are really reasonable. After browsing through their website it occurred to me that their was a lot of items on their that I really, really want and just had to show you in a H&M wish list.



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