Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

N0.7 Beautiful skin hot cloth cleanser

From my previous post about the Liz Earl hot cloth cleanser, I decided to try something a little bit more budget friendly. The Liz Earl cleanser on it's own is £15, which in most people's cases (including mine) is just a bit much for a product that removes the make up of my face. That's not to say you shouldn't invest in your skin care because it's so important to look after skin. It's the only skin your going to get so look after it as much as you can while you can. Which is why last week I headed to Boots in search for a budget friendly make up remover that gives the same results as a Liz Earl product.

That's when I stumbled upon this product by N0.7, the beautiful hot cloth cleanser. I was really intrigued by this product and was dying to try it at the end of the day. And even better is was under £10 at £9.50. Which is pretty good for a skin care item that is going to last you quite a long time. The thing that made it even better was the fact that I had enough points on my Boots card to pay for it, saving me nearly £10.

It finally came to the end of the day and I was dying to remove the make up of my face that had been there all day. I filled the sinks with warm water, put a reasonable amount on to my hand and slowly began to rub the product onto my face. The texture of the product is so creamy and milky in a way. It feels so smoothing and soft on the skin, I almost didn't want to remove it. It removed my make up so quickly and left my skin feeling like it does after using the Liz Earl cleanser. It even got my eye make up off better that the Liz Earl product. I then used the cloth that comes with the product and removed the solution from my face.

I was so impressed with the result of this product even after the first use. It made my skin not just look clean but it felt clean and refreshed as if someone had just given me new skin. I then carried on with the rest of skin care routine using; a cleaner, toner and moisturiser.

When I eventually run out I will most defiantly be repurchasing.    

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