Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Back to school/college/university

Here we are back to that time of the year again. Where the sun decides to stay away for another few month, where late nights turn into early ones and that time of the year where we have to go back to school, college or university.

That time of the year is called September. I cannot believe we are at that time of the year already. I know everyone says this but time does literally fly by and even more so as you get older. It only seems like yesterday on new years eve when me and my two friends were in a pub toilet celebrating the beginning of a new year after we had walked from one party to another.

That is why I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog post about how to get back into the swing of having to wake up early in the morning and to get our brains into work mode.

1- Celebrate the memories you made from the summer by printing out your summer holiday pictures and presenting them in places you can look back and think to your self what a good summer it was.

2- A new year means a n new start. Starting a new school or college year means you can forget any harsh memories or experiences you had during the year before and to give your self a new you. Make new, nice memories with the friends you know are your real friends.

3-For some of you the new school year is an important one where the exams and assessments you take are very important when taking the next step into your lives. Work hard and try the very best you can do, because that is all anyone can ask of you. Create a schedule plan to work out when you are going to balance studying time and still maintaining a social life.

Some of the things I love to do when going back to a new year at university is new stationary. I can't tell you how much joy I get from having new, clean note books and brand new pens. The stationary I brought are very simple pieces and are easy to access. I do a journalism and PR course so my resources are limited.

The stationary items are from Tesco's and Sainsbury's. Having something nice to put your work in makes you want your work to be the best it can be and makes the process less boring. When I was at school we had boring, plain books to write in so having something more colourful or something with a pattern on it makes all the difference.

Another item I have brought for my last year at university is a new hand bag. I love this bag so much. Its a plain, black, tote bag from zara with large handles so it isn't heavy on your shoulders and it's large enough to fit a laptop or tablet.  This was £22.99.

I hope this helps with another going back to school, college or university to get  back to a routine and to have the best year yet because your school times are the best times of your life. It may seem like a drag and you just want to get out but when you do get out life gets harder and you realise how easy school life was and how much you miss it.

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