Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

My fashion icons.

I've wanted to do an update of this blog post for a really long time. That's because over the last few months the people I look up to in terms of fashion has changed during that time. That's not to say I don't like the fashion icons from before, it just means that with the change of season and variates of trends out, I've looked up to different people for inspiration.

The last people I had in my fashion icons post was Laura Whitmore and Cheryl. I still absolutely love their style and choice of clothes, there are now just some others who I am really liking at the moment,

The two people I have looked up to lately for fashion advice are model Kate Moss and fashion queen Victoria Beckham. This started after I watched the documentary about the nineties and since then I've been obsessed with the nineties trend that is popular at the moment. And what better people to look to for fashion advice in the nineties than Kate Moss and Victoria Beckham.

Wherever you love her or hate her Kate Moss knows how to put an outfit together and she does with no effort at all. It's simply effortless and simple yet effective. She can do from a see-through dress to flared jeans and a leather jacket without being weird or a fashion no.

Now we move on to my next fashion icon. Victoria Beckham. Husband of David Beckham, mother of four and a career to last her a life time. Going back to the spice gilrs era, she wasn't mush of a fashion follower. Then after they split she went fashion crazy. She's now one of the worlds most recognized person in fashion and a brand to match. Her style is chic, stylish,elegant, smart and monochrome. I love the way she makes out look like she has put time and effort into it even though their simple pieces. 

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