Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Maybelline master sculpt and Loreal super liner

While I was in the airport on my way to Tenerife, I had a few spare hours spare and decided to use my time wisely by visiting a boots store. I didn't buy too much just two products I had wanted to try since I first heard about them. The first one was the Maybelline Master Sculpt.

I was really intrigued by this product and was dying to try it ever since I heard about it in a magazine. It has quite a bulky packaging but it's small enough to fit in your bag. The product contains a contour and a highlighter. The bronzer is really nice light brown enough to create a shard line under your check bones to enhance a shadow. I haven't been able to use the contour much because I still have a tan on my face making it hard to show up but once my normal skin colour has come back I will be using it like no tomorrow.

I do really like the highlighter part of the product probably the most. It's a nice shimmer colour that looks so pretty on underneath the eye. Another good thing about this product is that it comes with a small brush appropriate enough to contour and highlight and a small mirror.

   The next product I brought was the Loreal Super Liner. As I've said before I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with eye liners, purely because I'm not that great at using them although I am getting better. I do still like the Soap and Glory Super cat liner but I thought I would push the boat out and try something new. It has a small pen like nip which enables you too draw a precise line on the eye. I did my fist eye the first time I used it and it was a bit wonky but that was probably due to the fact I can't keep my eye still. Then I did the other eye and the line was more perfect that any line I have done before.

I really like this liner and I think the more I use it the better I will get at applying it.

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