Getting ready for uni
From the title of this post you would presume that getting ready for university meant getting a head start on your studies or perhaps making sure you have all the resources you need for that dreaded first day. But no for me, getting ready for university meant getting a nice, fresh hair cut and getting my nails done. If this sounds a lot like you, then you might want to carry on reading.
The first thing I have done to prepare myself back to university life is getting my hair cut. As some of you may know my hair is quite curly so when I go to the hair dressers I keep it very simple. I know what I like and how I have my hair style. I do not have any layers and my parting goes straight down the middle. The hair dressers that I go to is a hair dressers in Northampton where I live called Shine. I've been getting my hair done here for a while now as I find the way they cut my hair, the style that I like it. I think it is important to find a hair dressers that does your hair to the standard that you like your hair. Because only you know your hair better than anyone else.
The hairdresser started off my washing my hair which felt amazing afterwards. Then she cut half an itch off as I want to keep the length of my hair but neaten up the ends. Then after blow drying it she then used the straighteners to obviously straighten my hair. When she had finished my hair felt so good, it was soft, lightweight and just felt amazing. As well as getting my hair cut I also brought my favourite shampoo and conditioner by Dove, called the pure care dry oil.
The next thing I did was get my nails done. The place I got them done at is a small, local business run by a lady who lives near by. I got the Gel nails done in this gorgeous, burgundy, red colour perfect for the Autumn season. If you haven't heard of Gel nails they are basically a nail polish which dries into a solid, so when there ready to take of you just simple peel it off in one piece.
Four times a year the world of fashion comes out of hibernation and comes at us with a bang. The world's leading designers come out of hiding and show us the amazing creations they have been working ever so hard on. This can only mean fashion week. Fashion week is a chance for the best designers of the world to bring out their take on what the world will be wearing in the up and coming seasons.
This years Fashion week was no exception, as it was London's turn to layout the catwalk and bring on the models wearing the amazing creations to show to the worlds press. Along side New York, Paris and Milan, London is one of the fashion capitals of the world with British labels such as Burberry and Julian McDonald being popular labels to watch out for. The luxury of theses brands make them what they are and the fact that they are so wonderfully made make them one of the most famous.
Although I have never been to a Fashion week show, (but I wish I will one day), that doesn't mean I can't get excited just like everyone else. Searching through the internet, flicking through the magazines and reading of the blogs from the people who were actually there gives me the chance to really look at the designs in great detail and search for the A-list celebrities sitting on the very front frow. So after looking all through the images of the outfits from the week so far, here are my favourite.
Julian McDonald
Four times a year the world of fashion comes out of hibernation and comes at us with a bang. The world's leading designers come out of hiding and show us the amazing creations they have been working ever so hard on. This can only mean fashion week. Fashion week is a chance for the best designers of the world to bring out their take on what the world will be wearing in the up and coming seasons.
This years Fashion week was no exception, as it was London's turn to layout the catwalk and bring on the models wearing the amazing creations to show to the worlds press. Along side New York, Paris and Milan, London is one of the fashion capitals of the world with British labels such as Burberry and Julian McDonald being popular labels to watch out for. The luxury of theses brands make them what they are and the fact that they are so wonderfully made make them one of the most famous.
Although I have never been to a Fashion week show, (but I wish I will one day), that doesn't mean I can't get excited just like everyone else. Searching through the internet, flicking through the magazines and reading of the blogs from the people who were actually there gives me the chance to really look at the designs in great detail and search for the A-list celebrities sitting on the very front frow. So after looking all through the images of the outfits from the week so far, here are my favourite.
Julian McDonald
A day dreamer.
I am now twenty years old. A bit of an obvious statement to make but it's true. This means I am no longer a teenager, school is a distance memory of the past and I'm less than a year away from being the legal age to drink alcohol in America.
Where's all this heading you may ask? Well in the last six months or so the people I used to see everyday, Monday-Friday, 9-3 at school have now all grown up and gone on to do amazing things. Some have gone away to university (as have I), some are off travelling the world and some are even engaged and having children. Which is absolutely amazing and I'm so happy for them. But at the same time I am extremely jealous of their success because although I'm heading into my third year of university (which I never thought I would be able to do), I do feel as if my life has gone kind of boring in some way. I mean I did go on a great holiday back in June, but since then it's slowed right down.
Is it okay to feel like this? And am I the only one who feels this way? Am I being silly in thinking this or do other people in my situation have some solution to this feeling because I would love to know.
Sometimes I wish that I would wake up and something amazing would happen. Something that would add some excitement in my life. Is that too much to ask or am I too much of a dreamer?
My favourite British fashion and beauty bloggers.
I've been reading and watching beauty post and videos for two years now and I am completely obsessed with them! I love coming home from University and having a brand new video to watch in my subscription box where my knowledge of make up or fashion expands. That is why I thought it would be a good idea to celebrate some of my favourite beauty bloggers/vloggers. Just like them I have a huge passion in all things fashion and beauty and would love it if It could one day be a profession of mine. So here are a list of my favourites.
1-Becca Rose.
2-Fluer De Force.
3-Hello October.
4-Zoe Sugg.
5-In The Frow.
6-Tanya Burr.
7-Velvet Ghost.
10-Amelia Liana.
My top 3 favourite perfumes
This post is all about scents and my all time favourite perfumes. I love having a set of perfumes that you can say is your signature sent. The type of perfume you wear portrays the person you are and your own personality. Everyone has a sent that they love and stick to, something that says 'this is who I am'.
And as a new season is coming to light what better way to say hello to Autumn than a new sent that screams Summer is over and Autumn is well and truly here.
1.YSL Black Opium- This is the newest sent that I own. It's one that my mum brought me for my twentieth birthday. I'm not very good at describing scents but I will do my best. This smell is strong, deep and something I would wear at night if I'm out with my friends. It's seductive yet sophisticated. The packaging is really nice and it has a black cover with hints of glitter all around.
2. Miss Dior- This perfume is completely different to the first one. It's a really sweet, girly smell. The bottle is really pretty with a cute, little bow on the lid.
3. Vera Wang Princess- This is my last and third favourite perfume from my collection. It's quite similar to the YSL but a little bit stronger and has quite a deep smell if that makes ant sense. Again the bottle is really pretty with a gold crown as the lid.
You can tell from the perfumes above what type of scents that I
like and I tend to stick to the ones that I know because I know
what suits me and what I know smells nice to me. I think when it
comes to perfumes It's important to pick your sent out carefully
because they are expensive and it's something that is going to last you
a long time.
Collection speedy highlighter
For a while now I have been on the search for a really good highlighter. One that actually looks good and does what it says. I wanted one that was easy to apply and affordable all at the same time. I came across one from Clinque called the chubby stick highlighter which was at £19. I thought it was quite a lot for a small product so went on the hunt for a exact dupe.
On a trip to Boots with my friend, browsing through the isles I came across the Collection stand and saw that they had a new range of products. One of which was their Speedy Highlighter. I applied a bit onto my hand and the colour and finish was so lovely and I was so impressed I ended up buying it.
When applying it onto the skin, it glides onto your check bones beautiful and effortlessly. It's so easy to use anyone can do it and if you have never used a highlighter before and want to start using them this is a great product to start with.
The colour itself is called Pearl Sheen which is a really pretty pink shimmer. It's one of those colours that would look great on all skin tones.
Another great thing about this product is that it's such a good size. Perfect to fit into your handbag or even a smaller bag on a night out. The price was so affordable you can't say no. At the moment in Boots they have everything on Collection for under £5. The speedy highlighter was either £2.99 or £3.99, either way a really good price.
One thing I will say about it is that the Speedy part of the product is that it dries really quickly which is defiantly does do.
Whats in my university bag
Going along with the back to uni/college/school theme, I thought I would write a what is in my university bag. I love watching these types of videos because 1- I'm nervous and 2-it gives me ideas if I'm looking for a new hand bag. So here we go!
As you would have read in my last post, I got a new bag for university from Zara, It's a large, black, tote bag which I LOVE.
- HP laptop to write my essays and work on
- Blue, spotty, plastic folder to keep all my work in
- An A4 note pad to write all my notes in
- My house keys
- IPhone
- Ear phones and charger
- Pens
- Purse
- Hair comb
- Compact mirror
- lipgloss
- Perfume (ted baker)
The only way is skin care
Having a good skin care routine is becoming a vital part in the daily
life of the average person. People are starting to realise that it is really important
to look after your skin so that in years to come your skin looks as radiant and
glowing as it does right now.
For me I am still learning to this day what products work best for my
skin and the type of skin care routine I want to achieve. It has only been a
couple of years since I have really started an actual step by step into what I
put on my face. Only a few years ago I didn’t even know what a cleanser was and
I was just using any old wet wipe to remove any make up I did have on my face.
So when I started watching beauty videos on YouTube it open my eyes into the
world of looking after your skin and how important it is to start doing
something about it now before it’s too late.
So here are two skin care routines I use on rotation that may help you
start your own routine. One is budget friendly and the other is a more luxury
routine so you have the choice of two.
The simple routine.
As a student I know how hard it is to save your money and not go out
on a splurge and end up spending every last penny to your name.SO using high
street products such as Simple and Nivea are a great starting point.
The one product I go back to time and time again to take of my makeup
is the Nivea miceller water. It is a lazy way but it’s so much better than
using a wet wipe. This literally glides through the skin and melts away any
make up you have on your face. It’s gentle on the skin does not harm it what so
ever and it’s also super affordable. The next thing I do to my skin is cleanse
and tone. The products I use to do this is with the Simple purifying cleansing
lotion and smoothing facial toner. Just like with the miceller water it is
super gentle, feels extreamly smooth on the skin and doesn’t contain any harsh
chemicals. The last step of the budget friendly routine is moisturising and all
I use for this is the small, blue pot by Nivea. It’s so simple but so
effective. In my opinion this is the most important part of a routine. My nan
has been using Nivea for years and she swears by this product and her skin looks
The luxury option
Every so often it is nice to treat yourself. It could be on a gorgeous
pair of shoes or a magnificent handbag. To others they like to spend their hard
earned cash on a little luxury for their skin care. I haven’t used a great deal
of skin products but the ones that I have used are utterly wonderful. The first
item is the N0.7 beautiful skin cleanser. I love this product so much, especially
for removing my makeup. It’s quite a thick texture but once you start applying
it to your skin it just melts right into the pores and gentle glides the makeup
away. It also has a very creamy feel to it when it is on the skin and leaves
your skin feeling like brand me. The softness of this product is amazing and is
the perfect product to start you on your skin care adventure. The next set of
luxury skin care items are from Liz Earl which I am sure you all have heard of.
I did a blog post on the Liz Earl skin care back in May so I won’t get go too
much into that. The skin care items from the Liz Earl range include; the hot
cloth cleanser, the skin boosting tonic, the gentle face exfoliator and the
I hope this post has really helped if you’re thinking of starting a
skin care routine and guides you into what products you would like to try.
Back to school/college/university
Here we are back to that time of the year again. Where the sun decides to stay away for another few month, where late nights turn into early ones and that time of the year where we have to go back to school, college or university.
That time of the year is called September. I cannot believe we are at that time of the year already. I know everyone says this but time does literally fly by and even more so as you get older. It only seems like yesterday on new years eve when me and my two friends were in a pub toilet celebrating the beginning of a new year after we had walked from one party to another.
That is why I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog post about how to get back into the swing of having to wake up early in the morning and to get our brains into work mode.
1- Celebrate the memories you made from the summer by printing out your summer holiday pictures and presenting them in places you can look back and think to your self what a good summer it was.
2- A new year means a n new start. Starting a new school or college year means you can forget any harsh memories or experiences you had during the year before and to give your self a new you. Make new, nice memories with the friends you know are your real friends.
3-For some of you the new school year is an important one where the exams and assessments you take are very important when taking the next step into your lives. Work hard and try the very best you can do, because that is all anyone can ask of you. Create a schedule plan to work out when you are going to balance studying time and still maintaining a social life.
Some of the things I love to do when going back to a new year at university is new stationary. I can't tell you how much joy I get from having new, clean note books and brand new pens. The stationary I brought are very simple pieces and are easy to access. I do a journalism and PR course so my resources are limited.
The stationary items are from Tesco's and Sainsbury's. Having something nice to put your work in makes you want your work to be the best it can be and makes the process less boring. When I was at school we had boring, plain books to write in so having something more colourful or something with a pattern on it makes all the difference.
Another item I have brought for my last year at university is a new hand bag. I love this bag so much. Its a plain, black, tote bag from zara with large handles so it isn't heavy on your shoulders and it's large enough to fit a laptop or tablet. This was £22.99.
I hope this helps with another going back to school, college or university to get back to a routine and to have the best year yet because your school times are the best times of your life. It may seem like a drag and you just want to get out but when you do get out life gets harder and you realise how easy school life was and how much you miss it.
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By Bethany