Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Sunglasses collection

As the weather in the UK is starting to look a lot more like well... summer. I thought I would do a blog post showing you my sun glasses collection. Sunglasses are my favourite accessorie to wear with an outfit. It not only looks nice but its also really important to protect your eyes from the sun if your outside for a long period of time.

  To start with I'm going to be honest and just get it out that these are not real Ray Bans. Their fake. My cousin got me them for £20 from someone he knows that sell them. But oh well. I don't think you can tell the difference. I would say these are my go to pair to wear when your out and about.
 This one here was a TOTAL BARGAIN. I got these pretty pastel coloured sun glasses from Primark for wait for it. £1! Yes thats right these blended pastel coloured sunglasses were £1. I couldn't believe my luck when I found these because there are a pair very much the same from Asos for £20 so that was a great buy.

  This pair of sunglasses are my favourite!!! Their so different from the other pairs that I have and think their so unique. Not everyone can pull these off but luckily they suited me so I was a happy Bethany. I call them my John Lennon sunglasses because they remind me of the ones he used to wear way back in 60's. They have circular shaped lens and has a gold bar in the middle. These were only £3 from Primark. Sunglasses from Primark are so good not only their various designs but they last forever.

 These ones are just your original aviator sunglasses that look chic and trendy in my opinion and I really like them. These were £2 from again Primark.

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