Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Topshop nail varnish

I recently brought two nail varnishes from the make up Topshop range as i'v heard really good things about them and thought I would try them myself.

I'm not the best at painting my own nails and most often have to take it off and start again as i completely forget i'v just painted them and smudge them. After using these I was so impressed, they only need one coat which is just amazing and they dry really quickly. They have so much choice of colours and their not too overly priced at £5. Iv got the dark pink and a blue colour that im not too sure what the name of the colour is. I would defiantly recommended these to anyone like me isn't that good and beginners of painting your nails.

     The design is really cute but simple, not to complicated and i love the white poka dot lip.

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