Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Hunting for experience

For quite a long time I have been searching and searching endlessly for some work experience in journalism. I’m not asking to be editor of Cosmopolitan or Heat magazine, just something local in a newspaper so I can add some work to my portfolio. But for some reason no matter how many times you email and ring practically begging for some experience they never get back to you. Not even to say you were unsuccessful.

I’m so passionate about being a journalist, one of the reasons why I started this blog, just so I could write something and have it published in whatever form possible. I had some work experience at a local paper in Milton Keynes and doing this has given me the hunger to want to do more.

I don’t want to come off like I’m desperate but any editors out there willing to give a nineteen year old student a chance then feel free to email me at

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