Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Thank you Zoella!

I just wanted to make this post to thank someone who without watching her videos i would not have been able to self diagnose a problem that's been occurring since i was 15.

I'm sure most of you have heard of the amazing Zoella and the other day I watched her video of a Q&A about anxiety. When she started to explain what anxiety was and how she knows she's getting a panic attack, it struck something in me as what happens to her happens to me as well.
The getting hot, not being able to breath and surrounded in a large crowd.

The first time it happened was when I was 15 in 2010, i went to T4 on the beach with my mum, sister and friend Claire. T4 on the beach is on the beaches of Western Supermarer and we were stood in the middle of a very large crowd waiting for the next performer to take the stage. When out of no were I started to get really hot, I had trouble breathing and felt like I was going to pass out.

It then happened again when watching Kate Nash at a small music venue in Northampton when the same thing happened again and my friend ended up pulling me out of the venue as the fear of passing out struck me again. And it happens every time I'm in a large crowd, in a tights small area.

After watching Zoella's video I then learnt that is was anxiety and watching her video taught me that I'm not the only one it happens to and explains why I get scared or fear something in certain situations.

So thank you (:    

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