Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Monthly overview for January

I've decided to start a monthly series where I write my overview of the moth just gone. Not sure how well this will go but it's defiantly worth a shot. It will allow me to reflect on the past 30 or so days and give me the opportunity to read through all the happy moments that have occurred. Not only the delightful memories but the not so amazing moments that have also happened. I feel it's a good idea to go through those not so good times as I feel it is important to learn from those moments.

The month of January is a good place to start when reflecting on the month. For some people the first few weeks of a brand new year either start of well or don't start as smoothly as one hopped. People are under pressure to complete new years revolutions or continue their quest on a alcohol free month. The gyms are packed with motivated get goers trying to lose the Christmas weight.

The month of January felt like it went on for ever. Most monthly post start with how quickly the weeks have gone. It feels like weeks and weeks ago since I was celebrating 2018 with my friends at a 90's themed party.

The month started promising with a number of job interview opportunities but none were not quite what I was expecting. It did give me the impression that this year was the year for changes in my career. Although it hasn't happened as of yet, I know it is coming along. I also failed my driving test for a sixth time ( which I don't mind admitting). The positive thing to come out of this is that I have the chance to try again and not give up. Admitting to the failures right at the start of the year reassures others that not everyday goes according to plan and things don't always go the way their planned.

Not a lot else has happened if I am completely completely honest. There is still not for any things to happen. I have however been to my first scensery night where a representative show cases their products and you can purchase some if you wish.

I do hope everyone is off to a great in 2018. If it has not gone the way you planned, please just remember it has only just begun and there is still another eleven months to enjoy.

See you in February!

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