Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Another new year!

Every single year without a doubt I wonder where the previous year had gone too? It seemed like only yesterday me and my two friends were walking the streets of Duston at 11:55 on our way to the local pub in desperate need to wish everyone a happy new year and start 2015 with a bang. Now twelve months later, exact we were at the same pub dancing to songs played by the DJ about to start 2016.

As I've gotten older I've realised that time goes extremely fast! So fast I still thick I'm eighteen years old about to go on my first night out and my first alcoholic beverage. Which is why I have promised myself to enjoy every single day as if it was my last and remember the good times are ahead of me.

For some reason 2016 seems like a really good year for me and my friends and for very good reasons. This year I turn twenty one. Twenty one! that is complete madness and makes me feel extremely old even know being twenty one is not an old age. As a result of turning another year older, my mum and her husband Sean have surprised me with a trip to New York later in the year which is extremely exciting and I cannot wait to explore a place I have never been to before and have wanted to for quite some time. 2016 is also the year I graduate from University and become a qualified journalist resulting in me (hopefully) having the job dream of.  

I've started the new year really nicely with a take away with my grandparents and cousins for my nans birthday and playing board games in till we get bored. The following day my two friends decided to do something different and go ice skating. I love ice skating and because u haven't been in so long I was so excited. I may have got too excited as I feel over twice and have uncounted many bruises on my body.

I hope the new year continues the way it has started and wish everyone a happy and healthy 2016.  

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