Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Don't give up!

I've decided to write this particular post because in the UK it is GCSE results day. If your not familiar, GCSE's are the exams you take when your 15/16 at the end of your school year before you go on to take A-levels or move onto to do a course at college. This year in particular it was my brothers turn to take his exams in the hope he got enough to get into a education centre with the Cobblers football club, which in fact he did do very well.

If you have taken exams before that were extremely important, you will know full well that taking exams are full of stress, anxiety and months of reading endless books and tones of writing a million exam style questions in till your mind is about to explode. I and most other people have been through this torment and can tell you in is going to be one of the hardest times of your schooling time but there is only so much studying and revising you can do. That is why it is so important you balance studying with taking time out and relax in between because without the break your mind wont be able to take in as much information as you would if you had taken breaks.

I thought this would be the perfect time to tell you about my experiences when I took my GCSE's and to give you some advise and tips on how to get through one of the hardest but rewarding times you will ever have at school.

I took my exams four years ago in 2011 which feels like a life time away. In the UK you take the normal subjects such as Maths, English and Science. Then you get to pick two other completely different subjects to take along side the others. I chose to take Textiles, Music ans ICT. When I was at school I wasn't the smartest and I wasn't stupid but I did okay and got what I needed to do my A-levels. So don't worry about getting straight A's in every subject you take because if what you do next requires say two B's and a C, then why waste your time trying to get 100% in something you may not even get. Don't get me wrong if that is your target go ahead and earn the grades you deserve but don't stress your self out by trying to answer questions that you simply don't understand.

One tip I will give you is after an exam don't discuss answers with other people that were also in that exam. Because if it turns out you have wrote a completely different answer to everyone else you will get your self stressed out thinking what you have written is wrong when in fact it might be them you have written the wrong answer.

One more thing I will say is that GCSE's are important and they help you in the future with university or getting a job but it is not the end of the world if you don't do as well as you would have liked. The world will not end if you don't get a B in English Language. As long as you get a C in your main subjects you WILL BE FINE. You can also re-take them. You can only try your best which I know everyone says but it's true. I never thought I would ever get into university studying a subject I love.

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