Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Liz Earle instant boost skin tonic

You know when you get to a certain age towards your birthday and there is just nothing you need? You have plenty of clothes, a brand new iphone and enough make up to last me a life time. That is the situation i am in right now. A week today i will be tuning twenty! It is officially my last week as a teenager and my mum and dad have been asking me what i want for my birthday and i just simply don't know. Then i started looking at my skincare and i probably should spend a little bit more on my skincare as your skin is going to stay with you for the rest of your life so i should take care of it.
That's when we i got the idea of having some luxurious skin care items to have as a birthday gift.

To start with I started to research the different varieties in skin care brands. I've heard many people talk about the Liz Earle range and thought it sounded quite a reasonable brand, not to expensive but not to cheap. My god mother heard that i wanted to get some Liz Earle sin care products and gave me her boost skin care tonic to test out and to see if i like it.

I started to use it straight away and really liked the way it made my skin look. It made my skin look glowing, radiant and made my make up sit better on my skin. The smell is a bonus also as it has a lovely smell of vanilla. I still have the other products to test out and hopefully they will be just as good as this one.

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