Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

My new fitness routine

Just like everyone else in lets face it the majority of the world, I have started a detox, new healthy start to 2015.  I know at the start of every new year everyone says's 'I'm going to eat really healthy, exercise and lose weight'.  So i thought i would write about what i'm doing to start a healthy, new 2015.

But I just want to start of by saying I'm not trying to lose weight or get really skinny. Because it isn't healthy or cleaver. I'm happy with my weight and feel that my weight is at a healthy balance for my height and lifestyle. If your reading this and feel this could kick start your new healthy lifestyle, then please carry on reading.

I'm starting this new healthy, exercise routine to tone up and to give my self a more healthy lifestyle for the future.

Firstly what i wear when i exercise. I have started of with some tight, navy blue leggings, A little bit like the ones cyclist wear. There from Primark for just £7, which is a total bargin. There super comfortable and easy to run it which is most important. I also brought the matching sports bra which was just £4. So no one can say they can't afford any gym wear clothing. Its also ideal to wear a good pair of trainers as wearing the wring shoes could lead to an injury and you don't want that at the start of your new exercise routine. Another tip is if you have long hair, make sure you tie your hair back as you don't want your hair getting in the way.

 The next step is to warm up. This an important step as if you don't warm up you could injure you self preventing you from any further exercise. This can be done by doing four ten second stretches of your arms and legs. Once i had done my warm up it is time to actual exercise. As i have not ran in quite a while and don't want to tier my self too much. I planned a route i was going to run and then ran it. When i got back it's important to drink loads of water and eat plently.

I hope this helps for any one wanting to get more healthy in the new year. (:

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