Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Too Early?

First of all I would like to say yes we're still in August and September is normally quite good to us, but is it bad I'm looking forward to Autumn and Winter. As much as I love the sunny days and longer nights, there's nothing better than getting cosy with a hot drink. I feel as well it gives people an excuse not to go out because "it's too cold and the classic I can't be bothered".

Another reason I love this time of year is the fashion. I enjoy the warm knits, knee high boots and dresses with tights. Autumn and Winter shopping is by far my favourite. I find it easier to dress. Black skinny jeans and a chunky knit can be thrown on, on a everyday basis.

The leaves start to turn a range of beautiful colours and there's a fresh, clean smell in the air. I can pop to my nearby Starbucks and grab a caramel latte before work whilst wearing a lovely pair of chelsea boots as they make a clicking noise along the pavement. It's the simple things that make a huge difference.

There are also two major holidays during the colder months. October holds Halloween meaning you can dress up as scary as you like, take a younger family member trick or treating, decorate your home for the best Halloween party. Then December comes and the greatest holiday of all time comes along, Christmas. It's such a lovely time of year. There's pretty lights across the streets and homes feel cosy and more homely than normal.

So If like me your excited for the next couple of months get your jumpers out of hiding and slap on those gorgeous pair of boots.

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