Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

The world of Feminism in the 21st century

This word and it's meaning has been going round and round my head and not in the good way you would expect. To me being a feminist means to believe in equal rights for both men and women. That is where the original meaning came from. As a disclaimer people are very much entitled to their own opinions so here is me expressing mine.

Every time I turn on the TV or the radio this word is being used either in a debate or to describe a certain act being portrayed in the media. Some people or organisations are using the term feminism as an excuse to get rid of a particular past time because they feel like it's outdated or it's degrading the women involved. Here I am referring to the recent departure of Grid Girls used in Formula One and the women who also work for darts events. They have or could lose their jobs because someone who more than likely has never been to these events or spoken to the women who work for these sports, feel they should not use their looks or body to advertise brands for sponsor and walk around the field.

Having heard on a popular UK daytime television the women's opinions and thoughts who work for them I feel it is a shame for those as not only have they or may lose their jobs, their being denied what they love to do. They explained during the interview that not once have they felt objectified or abused in the work place. They even mentioned that the people they work with are like a family and the opportunity has allowed them to get their foot in the door to further their career.

If for example they were being held against their will or made to do these things, I would completely understand the decision to take away these job titles and I am sure that if someone who is a grid girl has experienced some awful things during their time at work they would be dealt with. I also do not see the difference in a grip girl to a butler in the buff (played by a man). They both use their bodies to earn money but no one mentions the job as objectifying men.

Although it feels like I've gone on a rant, I just feel like I wanted to express what I thought about what is being written in newspapers or said on the telly. It is also the anniversary of 100 years since women won the right to vote. We really need to go back to this and just remember why what being a feminist is all about and we should be bringing each other up and encouraging us to do great things, not bring each down or feel like your treading on egg shells scared you may offend someone or say something someone may not agree with. We are all very much entitled to our own opinions and feel it is equally important to listen to others rather than just your own.

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