Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Fashion changes

Throughout my life the clothes I wear and my personal style has changed so much you wouldn't think it would be possible to have such different taste in clothing. When I was a baby my mum and dad dressed me (obviously) and they couldn't have dressed me any different. My mum would dress me in cute, pretty, pink clothing items that would make any person go awww. Then my dad on the other hand at the age of four dressed me in double denim, an Arsenal shirt and trainers. To be fair it was the nineties and all the cool kids were dressing the same.

Then when I got to my teenage years I do not know what I was thinking. Especially in the early part of being a teenager I remember wearing a floral dungarees dress that sounds nice but in pictures it looked anything but. I have no idea where my inspiration to dress came from, I think I just saw what I liked in a shop and went with it. I had no idea how to wear certain clothing items, how to accessories and what suited my body shape. I don't know if it was just me or if most people my age done this but for some reason I was obsessed with wearing denim shorts with a top tucked in. I mean what was I thinking?

Then when I got to eighteen I discovered YouTube and it changed the way I dress and were I shop forever. From their advice and guidance I learnt how to dress for various occasions and events. They inspired me to dress in a sophisticate and appropriate way for age.

YouTube isn't the only thing that has inspired my fashion sense, TV has also contributed to my sense of style and what I wear. One programme in particular has had a huge influence in the clothes I have chosen to wear and that is American, teen drama Gossip Girl. I loved the glamour and sophistication around the New York scene and the way they presented themselves. TV has such a huge influence on what the public are wearing it allows them huge power.

I would love to know what has influenced your fashion sense whenever that's from a TV programme or someone you saw out on the streets.

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