Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

writters block

In the careers of most writers, there comes a time when they get "writers block". This is were your mind just goes completely blank and all creativity you once had goes straight out the window. Unfortunately this has happened to me. When I started this blog I wanted to write as much as possible, but with the pressure of university and the fact I work on weekends I knew this wasn't going to happen. That's when I narrowed it down to two days a week, which are a Tuesday and Friday, as those are they days I am able to write for.

My life aside from university and work, has also been extremely busy. My dad has had a bad back for a while and is undergoing surgery as I type, therefore I have had to help out a lot at home. Not only that but I am moving house from where i live when i'm with my mum which is taking longer than expected.

This has resulted in me not being able to post on days I want to. Another thing which as caused to have writers block is the fact I can't think of anything to write about. I love all things fashion, beauty and make up, therefore I write about it, because it's something I feel passionate about . The trouble with having a blog about beauty and fashion is that the products I own don't change that often unless I go out and buy it myself. Whereas the bloggers who get paid to run a blog get sent stuff from companies and are then able to review them giving their opinions on what they thought. As well as the make up side, the fashion section is harder for me to blog about. I absolutely love clothes and experimenting with different styles. The only problem is I don't have any expensive camera equipment or anyone to take the pictures for me for that matter.

When my life gets back to normal and I get rid of this writers block, I will back to my normal ways writing about anything and everything i think will be interesting and something anybody would want to read.

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