Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Life goals

In just over a months time, i will be turning twenty years-old. I will no longer be a teenager which is pretty scary. It seems that only yesterday i was 11-years-old starting secondary school for the first time, standing with my best friend at the gate waiting to enter a new chapter.

Now a brand new chapter will be beginning in my life, a chapter to some people known as your twenties. But what does it mean when you turn twenty? Do you suddenly feel older because your no longer classed as a teenager? or does it give you sense of meaning in life as an official adult.

I will still be a student having only one year left at university so at least i still have that to hold onto. But once that is over i will be left to my own devices and let out into the real world. A world were i will have to find a job probably Monday-Friday earning my one money.

Having fort about this revolution of turning twenty, I started to think about what I want to achieve in my twenties and what i would like to happen.

1- I need to pass my driving test so i can gain independence and freedom to go and do what i like.

2- Without sounding desperate or cheesy, it would be nice to meet someone who could potentially be a boyfriend. (maybe).

3- When i graduate i would like to be in a position where i am in a job i enjoy and am earning enough money to get me by.

4- I want all my friends and family to be happy and healthy all the time.

5-At some point in my twenties i would like to have a place i could call my own. Even if it is with friends, a parter or on my own.

6- I need to travel to Ireland at some point!!!!

7-I would like my blog to be even more successful than it is now.

8- To be happy and enjoy life.

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