Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

The best foundation

Lets all be honest here, how may foundations have we purchased since the world of make up entered our lives? Probably quite a few. This includes me. The last couple of months I've really struggled to find a foundation that suits my skin tone, gives me a flawless complexion and keeps me looking natural.

I sit down and do my make up in the morning and it feels as if every foundation I apply is either not the right colour or I've put way too much on and I look ridiculous. I don't have an obscure skin tone, my skin is very olive toned meaning I'm usually in the middle of the skin tone scale. So why is it so hard to find something that some people use everyday? produced an article explaining the best foundations in the market. They tested 364 different formulas that claim to make your skin look perfect.

I thought this was a good idea as there are so many foundations on the market it can become quite overwhelming. If you would like to read more and found out what bases they found to be the best click the link below;

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