Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Come a long way

Although were only in September and Autumn has literally just arrived, I'm already thinking about all the amazing things that has happened this year in 2016. For a long time not much was going on in my life and everyday just seemed like it was going round on repeat and to be honest I was starting to get bored of an everyday routine.

On new years eve last year at the pub with some friends just before the clock hit twelve I wished that this year would be different than any other. The last few years before then hadn't been the greatest with my parents splitting up and now that's all cleared up I was more determined that things were going to turn around in 2016.

It started off in March at my friends twenty first party where I meet my now boyfriend which I was not expecting in the slightest and am so happy in did happen. We have now been in a relationship for four months and I could not be happier.

Two months later in May me and my friend both turned twenty one four days apart and had a huge joint party with friends and family and everyone we know. It was my favourite party I have had since turning eighteen and I know I had a good time because I cannot remember any of it. Also in the same month I went to the one city I have always wanted to go to and that was New York. It was one of the best experiences I have ever encountered and would do it all over again.

Later on the year I found out some amazing news! One of my oldest friend who I have known since we were little is expecting her first baby. I was so happy when I found out and I cannot wait for the little one to arrive. She had her baby shower on Saturday which was so much fun with all our friends playing silly party games. And seeing her with her little bump made it all so real.

Another amazing thing that also happened this year was that I graduated from University with a degree in journalism. It was a long three years of hard work and studying but It was all worth it when I appeared on the stage holding my certificate.

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