Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Not everything can be perfect

Today I failed my driving test for a third time. I was so gutted that I didn't pass because I really thought I had a chance of finally passing and getting on the road myself. More than anything I was extremely frustrated because I failed on a particular part I wasn't very confident with and as soon as the examiner asked me to show him what he asked me to do, I knew I failed already. Either way I had to do, gave it my best shot but it was not good enough.

I'm over the disappointment now but it still hurts. If everything in my life was perfect I don't think I would be  as upset as I was. I have amazing friends, family and boyfriend but one thing aside from driving that still needs improving, is my job. I got this job just before I graduated from university so I could earn some money in till a job I want to be in comes up. I'm six months into my job now and I'm no where near in my dream job. Everyone says you have to be patient and keep trying but there comes to a point where you can't keep trying. But I know deep down I have to. The dream for me would be me having my occupation as fashion, beauty writer for a top magazine but I know how unrealistic that is. That's why I'm so glade we have platforms like blogger that allows armature writers to express themselves and show what they can do and what content they write about.

I hope that not too long into the distant future I will be in a position where I can say I love the job I'm in and that I can drive myself there too.
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