Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Life goals and dreams

The other day when I was at work, a friend who I used to work with came in to say hello. We haven't seen each other for a long time so it was nice to have a catch up and get up to date with what were both doing. She asked how university is going and in return I asked what she is up to. She talked about how she is going to start travelling and go to all the places she wishes to visit. After our lengthy conversation it got me thinking about what I would like to and what places around the world I wish to see.  A goal or dream doesn't have to travelling around the world or backpacking around Australia. It could be as simple as learning a new skill or taking a class in something you have always wanted to do. A goal doesn't have to be something extravagant so don't put pressure on your self do achieve something because everyone else is doing it. Set your own goals and life dreams. So here is a contemplation of  my life goals and dreams.

Graduating from University- This doesn't seem like a massive deal to some people, because a lot of people go to university and the majority of them graduate in a degree in what they studied in. But to me standing there with a graduation hat and a scroll is something I've always wanted to achieve. I wasn't the cleverest at school but I wasn't the most stupid. Graduating will prove that you don't have to be super intelligent to study for a degree because studying something you love and enjoy doesn't feel like studying at all.

Becoming a journalist- When I was at school I knew I wanted to work in the media but was never sure what area to go for. Since completing my foundation degree in journalism, spending two years studying the subject and having work experience for some local newspaper, has given me the buzz and determination to excel in the field I wish to work in. There's something about the environment of a news room and the atmosphere of a big story coming through gives you a feeling like no other. I love the adrenalin you get when you know something before everyone else does and then the very next day the whole town or country reads all about it in something you have written.

My blog becoming successful-Blogging at the moment is very successful, especially in fashion and beauty so I'm not expected this to be my full time job like most others. But to get recognition in something I've created would be the best thing in the world.  I absolutely love writing and seeing something you have worked hard on get read my so many people all over the world is such a great feeling.

Visiting America- This something I have wanted to do in a long time. The two places I would love to visit the most is New York and LA. I'm not so sure why I wont to visit these places out of the whole of America but it would be a dream come true if I could.

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