Bethany Muddiman, 23 years old. Fashion and beauty lover!

Ouia hair care

A large part of my twenty two years of existence has been spent searching for the perfect routine for my hair. The ideal combination to tame my curly and sometimes frizzy mane has been a long mission.  I’m not there yet but am very, very close.

I then heard of a brand called Ouia which had many good things said about. I brought the smooth range from Beauty Bay as I thought this would be the most appropriate for my hair type.

The packaging is very simple, clinical and nothing too fancy or over the top. When I started using the shampoo I noticed the texture is very think and doesn’t have any sent to it. A shampoo for the price of £22 I would of expected some sort of smell to it. Aside from the smell the product did leave my hair feeling lovely and soft. My hair wasn’t completely fizz free but I think that’s just the nature of my hair. I then moved on to the conditioner which isn’t as thick as the shampoo. It did however leave my hair feeling so soft and nice.

In conclusion I think their quite pricey for what they are. Cheaper shampoo and conditioner's are a lot better than these and therefore do not think they are worth the price.

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